ARC(S)’s Residential Support Division (RSD) seeks to provide residential training and support for adults on the autism spectrum in authentic residential settings. Areas of training and support covered include self-management, household management and community living.
Besides providing direct services to individuals on the spectrum, RSD also aims to support caregivers in preparing their adult children for independent living. The work of RSD will serve as “learning labs” to facilitate innovation, evaluation, and dissemination of best practices in supporting individuals on the autism spectrum in independent living.

Key Offerings
Flourish for Life
Flourish for Life is a Life Skills Training Series by the Autism Resource Centre (Singapore) with support from the Autism Association (Singapore). It provides individuals and their caregivers with assessments in independent living skills as well as autism-focused, structured and authentic training in community living skills. The training offerings at the centre range from modular workshops to stay-in programmes.
Within the Flourish for Life series is the Temasek Foundation - Autism Resource Centre (Singapore) Supported Living and Training Programme (TF-ARC(S) SLT). The goal of this programme is to provide supported living training and services to individuals on the autism spectrum with low to moderate needs, aged 18 years old and above, in Singapore.

Residential Programme
This programme is a shared community living programme that aims to provide clients with a safe place to return home every day, enabling them to meet their basic needs of stability and dignity. Clients will receive training in independent living skills, such as self-management and household management. Support will also be provided to facilitate the development of social skills and self-help skills for accessing services in the community.
At present, application for this residential programme is open to Singapore Citizens and PRs above 18 years of age, with a primary diagnosis of Autism. Admission is subjected to the outcome of an intake assessment evaluating suitability for community living and compatibility with flatmates.

Register Your Interest
If you are interested in our residential training and support services, please fill up the form below:
Media Coverage
- $4m to enhance training and support for persons with disabilities aged 18 and above | The Straits Times
- Push to expand residential schemes, social support to help people with disabilities thrive | The Straits Times
- 淡马锡基金会三年将投400万元 支持特需成人援助项目 | 联合早报 (
- Yayasan Temasek Peruntuk $4j Sokong Golongan Kurang Upaya Usia 18 Tahun Ke Atas, Berita Singapura |
- அறிவுசார் குறைபாடுள்ள 18 வயதுக்கு மேற்பட்டவர்களுக்கு கூடுதல் உதவிகள், சிங்கப்பூர் செய்திகள் | தமிழ் முரசு Singapore news in Tamil, Tamil Murasu
- 获导师指导 自闭症患者入住租赁组屋学习独立 | 联合早报 (